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16 constant struggles only iPhone obsessives will understand

Charge fast, die faster.

ANDROID USERS, HOLD your fire, your time will come.

iPhones though, eh? Can’t live with them, can’t live without them. We deserve a medal for sticking them out.

1. For starters, it cost you your life savings and your first born

And you’re STILL in debt.


2. Battery life is your constant battle

You have to plug it in so much, it may as well be a landline.

battlife Source: warrenflanagan

3. You’ve lost or broken your way through about 20 chargers

That scrunching. The first sign the end is near.


4. This puts the fear of God in you

Bw3-rYSCAAEEC9d Source: DjVixi


5. In fact, you’re always on your guard

6. This is the cause of 99% of your anxiety


7. Autocorrect has provided many awkward moments you would have rather avoided


8. You have to update the iOS what seems like every month but NEVER have the space

Deleting your photos, texts and music is your very own version of Sophie’s choice.

9. The lock button’s main function is to break

This is your life now.


10. and when it does actually work…


11. When you’re lying in bed reading and your screen jumps from portrait to landscape mode and knocks the world as you know it off its entire core


12. You constantly feel bad for not updating your apps

Why not leave them until your phone completely crashes as you attempt to update 76 at once?

app-updates Source: Edgehill

14. Apple maps led you to Africa that one time you wanted to go to Dundrum

tumblr_mane17MZn11rhptwbo1_1280 Source: Tumblr

15. You still have no idea what the iCloud is

But you assume hackers can see everything in it so WHAT’S THE POINT.

cloud-meme Source: Logicworks

16. Everyone without an iPhone is just not worth the hassle

Please, take it to Whatsapp.

The 8 greatest suggestions from the new iPhone predictive text>

12 deadly things you didn’t know your phone could do>

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