ONLY IN IRELAND. These people actually have trophies.
1. The World Blaa Eating Champion
The title belongs to Amelia Scannell, what a legend.
2. The Sheep Dung Spitting champion
The winner of the bunch of people who willingly put sheep shite in their mouth and spat it a distance was… Gary Jennings.
3. The King and Queen Redhead
Crowned at the annual Red Head Convention, the title currently belongs to Alan O’Neill and Emma Ni Chearuil. Cork’s finest festival.
4. The most Irish dancing heel clicks in 30 seconds
This is a record that belongs to Benedict Devlin.
5. The biggest gathering of people dressed as nuns
This title belongs to Nunday in Listowel, Kerry.
On June 30, 2012, 1,436 nuns gathered to raise money for Pieta House and didn’t they look lovely doing it.
6. Best dressed goat
This title is given at the Lady of the Lake festival in Fermanagh, along with the sheep dung spitting champion. What a festival.
7. The Undisputed Pint Balancer of Ireland
This title belongs to Michael Mulrooney from Goresbridge, who balanced with the best of em back in 1986. Check out the full RTE report here.
8. Fastest time running a marathon while balancing a ball on a hurl
Good god, fair play Cork hurler Damien Coleman.
9. The Best Brown Bread Baker in Ireland
Waterford woman Phyllis McGovern won the title at this year’s Ploughing Championships. Judges said her brown bread won for its traditional appearance and perfect texture.