LAST NIGHT, WE brought you the story of the Irish teacher rejected from a job in South Korea because of this country’s “alcoholism nature”.
Katie Mulrennan had applied for the post via Craigslist, and got a rejection email informing her that “my client does not hire Irish people due to the alcoholism nature of your kind”.
There is now a response from a Korean American living in Seoul, apparently mocking the drinking habits of Irish people.*
They posted a photo of (noted hard drinker) James Joyce on the city’s Craigslist board, writing: “An Irish male wants to teach English completely drunk off his ass.”
Affecting a bizarre Irish accent, the poster writes:
Oi came wi’ a bottle av cheap whiskey shoved ‘alfway up me rectum outta vietnam an’ ‘anoi an’ bloodshot eyes throbbin’ wi’ red visions av de sun risin’ from de noggin av dis water ter de east.
They add:
I’ll teach yisser laddies ter spake loike a proper gentleman. In exchange, oi want ter earn a regular wage so oi can go git a arthur power nn’ git back on lempsor’ an’ write de greatest 21st century novel av our generashun [...] gie dis drunken Oirishman a chance.
Finally, the post concludes: “By the way, I am a Korean American living in Seoul. I apologize for the ignorance of this people. Please forgive them, for they know not what they do.”
We think – think – they’re mocking the drunken Irish. But we’re frankly not sure. They’re also able to quote Finnegans Wake, which is pretty impressive in anyone – the first sentence of the Craigslist post mimics the opening of Joyce’s most baffling novel.
*Update: Some commenters have suggested that this fine Joycean scholar is, in fact, apologising for the original incident. This may be so. To be honest, we’re not at all sure.