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Irish lad who blagged into Super Bowl is 'waiting for Feds to knock on my door'


Image: Cahir News Online via The42.ie

ONE OF THE Irish lads who managed to blag his way into the pricey seats at the Super Bowl has said that he’s half expecting the authorities to come after him.

Richie Whelan and Paul McEvoy ended up in the $20k-$50k seats at Sundays game after they managed to sneak into the stadium in Phoenix.

McEvoy and Whelan flew to Phoenix but with escalating ticket prices were resigned to watching in a pub. A last minute decision to try to blag their way in paid off though.

As The42.ie reports:

Whelan said a step-by-step chain of absurd events saw the ticketless duo end up with the best seats in the house.

“We went up to two security guards at the first barrier and just asked them, ‘what’s the best way to sneak in?’,” Whelan said.

“They laughed and said we there was no way we would make it into the stadium, but they told us that one of the gates only had one person on it and they were sort of winding down. We went over there and the woman had her back to us so we slipped around the metal detector and went through.”

Read the full caper here.

After getting through several layers of security the pair ended up in a friends and families area, after befriending a Patriots fan who told them two girls had been upgraded and vacated their seats.

Whelan – an avid Seahawks fan – told The Anton Savage Show on Today FM this morning that they didn’t really think about the scale of their trickery until after they’d “blasted it all over Twitter and Instagram”.

He admitted that from a security perspective it was a plucky move, and joked that the was “waiting for the Feds to knock down my hotel room door”.

Read: The story of two Irish fans sneaking into the Super Bowl is the best thing you’ll read tonight>

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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