WE’VE ALL SEEN the video of the lad telling his Dad that he failed his driving test. His reaction was priceless, with Feilim McHugh’s auld fella telling him what brand of eejit he is in great depth.
The video now has almost 2.5 million views and has gone insanely viral. The only problem? The Leitrim accent didn’t exactly translate to a global audience.
Here’s exactly what they think of us.
People couldn’t believe it was a genuine Irish accent
Some needed help understanding
But they all understood the magic of stereotyping
WE DON’T EVEN HAVE LUCKY CHARMS. It’s a sore subject
WE DON’T EVEN LIKE U2. Another sore subject
Then there were the conspiracy theorists
Sounds pretty Irish to us
OH WELL. Consider it another excuse to watch the video.
Wonder how McHugh feels about being an internet celebrity? THERE’S a reaction video we need to see.