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10 discontinued sweets we need back in our lives

Give them baaaaaaack.

GIVE US THESE back, or give us death.

OK, just give them back.

1. Cadbury Dream

cadbury-dream-white-chocolate-50g__62256.1410663032.1280.1280 Source: Bigcommerce

Look at it. Almost radioactive in its yellowness. It was like a Milky Bar for adults, but like our childhoods, it has sadly been reduced to a mere memory.

2. Cadbury Marble

cadburys-marble-19319 Source: Supanet

Another example of Cadbury building up our hopes and dreams, just to tear them all down again. White chocolate, dark chocolate, a gooey praline centre… it was all there. Why you gotta go and make things weird, Cadbury?

3. Onken FruFoo pots


The funnest way to eat yoghurt. This came in a donut-shaped pot with a little alien toy in the middle. You would almost forget the harrowing time you discovered exactly what yoghurt is made of.

4. Roy of the Rovers

raw-1224433131-595x417 Source: Doyouremember

Disgraceful for your teeth, worse for your digestive system, but hey, a yellow tongue was pretty cool. Also see, Dan Bar, Lanky Larry, Bruiser bar.

5. Snowflake

snowflake1 Source: Chocablog

What’s the one problem with a Flake? It goes EVERYWHERE. The snowflake fixed this problem by enveloping it in a solid chocolate outter coat, and turned the flake chocolate white. So much good, we didn’t deserve it.

6. Woppa

woppa_zps094a63b4 Source: Heather72 via Do YouRemmeber

_12_zpsd0881636 Source: Heather72 via DoYouRemember

The hardest decision of your young life was whether to spend your 5p on a spearmint or a cola woppa. Unfortunately, the youth of today will never know the pleasure.

7. Bursting bugs

CT11 Source: Britishdelights

One of the nicer Rowntrees products, cruelly taken from us far too soon. There was nothing as satisfying as ripping these open and seeing the fruity gel ooze out. NOTHING.

8. Astros

img_4495_astros_640_480 Source: Eatsummore

Launched in 1997, Astros were crunchy chocolate balls covered in a crispy candy shell. Sounds pretty standard, right? WRONG. These were so good they were OUT OF THIS WORLD. Get it? OK.

9. Fat frogs

hb_fat_frog_b Source: Ayrshirehistory

There’s absolutely no reason why these had to be taken from our freezers. There were rumours during the summer that HB were bringing them back but eventually the company shot any hopes down.

10. Postman pat sweets

So damn illusive, there’s not a photo to be found online. They were blue and pink and tasted like Strawberry milkshake. Gone, but never forgotten.

8 beloved snacks that changed for the worse>

16 Irish snacks we need the world to know about>

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