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New York bar causes uproar with 'no Irish drunks' sign

The bar’s owner was forced to change it to something a bit… lighter.

A BAR IN New York has caused quite a stir among Irish people by including ‘Irish drunks’ on a list of things forbidden on their premises.

MI-irishdrunks Source: Pauline Turley

The Dock bar and grill in Montauk painted rules on their window prohibiting Irish drunks, along with yapping mutts, screaming kids and cell phones, and strollers.

Pauline Turley, the vice chair of the board of the Irish Arts Centre spotted the sign on the Long Island bar’s window. Speaking to Irish Central, she said she ”was taken aback by the way that kind of stereotype was so blatantly displayed. No Irish Drunks, that’s very pointed”.

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The owner of The Dock, George Watson, is a controversial local figure and has been running the bar for 40 years. The Vietnam vet and former police officer is known for enforcing his rules via megaphone and isn’t afraid to kick people out if they disobey.

He told Irish Central that he’s had run-ins with some Irish in the past.

There’s a large Irish contingent out here and once they attacked me, verbally, so we added No Irish Drunks to the list.

However, he also said that the sign is firmly tongue-in-cheek, and Irish people aren’t actually banned from drinking. The Dock constantly chalk signs self-depreciating or insulting signs, many of which can be seen on their Facebook page. Watson is of Irish descent himself and was grand marshal at Montauk’s St. Patrick’s Day parade in 2003.

If you spoke about any other religion or race they would probably take offence to it, but the Irish have a sense of humour.

Not so fast. Since the sign started going viral online, their Facebook has been bombarded with comments from insulted Irish people.

Ur signage its an outrage! I can’t believe that you could put a specific ethnic group to be drunk’s you should be ashamed to have that upon your window,how about No Drunks at all?
Nice stereotyping. For that, I would never patronize your business.
Please immediately remove that discriminatory anti-Irish window graphic from your establishment. It’s insulting. It’s a stereotype, and it’s offensive.

So now he’s sending a new message… don’t be so sensitive. Watson covered ‘Irish’ with something a bit more general.

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The outrage comes after a café in Kerry stuck a sign banning ‘loud Americans’ on their window.

bus-21 Source: Maurice Campbell

‘No loud Americans’ sign in Kerry picked up by US media>

Sign in Co Kerry café forbids ‘loud Americans’ on the premises>

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