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13 snacks Ireland just does better than the States

You can’t beat our sausages.

WE DO A lot of things differently in Ireland. Some good, some bad.

But food, don’t even TRY to tell us our food is inferior.

1. We do chocolate worlds above the rest

Irish Cadbury’s is just better, accept it.

aa11 Source: Flickr, Brett Jordan, mhiguera

2. Rashers > Bacon, let’s be real


aaab2 Source: Flickr, sprogz, dinnerseries

3.  Chipper chips are an absolute world above ‘fries’

aseann Source: myzerowaste.com, Flickr J R

4. Bird’s Eye Potato waffles > Sweet American waffles

Give us beans and eggs instead of fried chicken and syrup, too.

aaffles1 Source: Comedinewithrach.blogspot, mroach

5. You call them CRISPS?

Corn chips? Criminal.


6. Scones with butter and jam > Biscuits with gravy

agogo Source: Flickr, markwalker, Imgur

7. The good old battered sausage is waaay above corn dogs

anogo Source: templetuohyfoods.ie, youtube

8. A 99 is a far superior ice cream to a sundae

aaaav1 Source: Flickr distillated, simon_cousins

9. Brown bread is worlds above the States’

abread Source: McCambridges, britannica.com

10. Bisto gravy > whatever the hell this is

agravy1 - Copy Source: Saucepankids.com, Flickr citrus.sunshine

11. Garlic cheese chips are forever better than American cheesy fries

aaoif - Copy

12. Chinese food is so much better here

Where are your 3in1s? Spicebags? Imagine what it’s like in China!

adav Source: Tripadvisor, Playbuzz

13. Salads are better in Ireland

All you need is a bit of ham, eggs, cheese and salad cream. What’s with all the States LEAVES?

asalds Source: Facebook/Kerry Doyle/OMGWACA,Flickr erika_herzog

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