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14 things only Irish grandads love

We love em really.

IRISH GRANDADS ARE a lovely bunch. They absolutely love…

1. Long-winded, inappropriate jokes

shutterstock_128829979 Source: Shutterstock/aastock



- You at every family gathering.

2. Waking up at 6am

Why do they feel the need to get up so early? We’ll never know, but that porridge isn’t going to make itself.

photogen_cxf205 Source: Photogen.com

3. These exact trousers

854-2015 Source: Vintagetrends

4. With this exact jumper

ahumper Source: harwoodsmenswear

5. Combing their hair

Well, what’s left of it. It has to be PERFECT.

Comb_800x991 Source: Shopify

6. A good suit of a Sunday

If you turn up to mass in anything other a full suit, you may as well just spit on the replica of our Lord Jesus Christ.

agrandad Source: CSR Brown Flickr

7. Dancing with any woman who’ll have him

He doesn’t discriminate, once he can have a bop.

Sportyville Jazz Band in Roseburg, OR Source: eliduke

8. Slipping grown grandchildren a fiver

Go get a few sweets now won’t you?

shutterstock_141818140 Source: Shutterstock/MyImages - Micha

9. Snoozing in front of the telly

Usually when the horses are on.

Grandpa Napping Source: Tony Fischer Photography

10. Building stuff

Whatever it is, if you buy it instead of building it from scratch, you’re a wimp.

wood-working1 Source: lakenormanprep

11. This with dinner

How to piss off dad.. Get a big fuck off pint of milk when it's the last bottle Source: ravishing_rich

Well, that or a pint of Beamish if he’s let.

12. Singing, unprompted

I suppose we can have a sing song grandad…


13. Stories about 1916

His da was fighting at the GPO, didn’t you know?

download Source: TheOMaolagan

14. Complete opposition to technology

Here’s a room full of people grandad has ever picked up his phone for:

3d_empty_room_01_hd_picture_167786 Source: All-free-download

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12 things only Irish grandparents love>

10 things guaranteed to happen at every Irish family gathering>

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