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This Irish granny's foul-mouthed reaction to Fifty Shades of Grey is priceless

“Plundered your woman’s drawers and all!”

‘MUMMY PORN’? Nah guys, it’s the grannies that are going wild for Fifty Shades of Grey.

granny50 Source: Facebook/Jonathan Mitchell

Jonathan Mitchell’s video of his Dublin granny’s foul-mouthed reaction to Fifty Shades of Grey is currently going viral on Facebook, with thousands of shares.

In it, his granny describes the various terrible things Christian Grey does to poor Ana Steele, while doing a lot of this:


Some of our favourite lines include…

Plundered your woman’s drawers and all, f***ing dirty b***ard.
He f***ing ties her hands up and takes off her bleedin’ drawers. Oh lamb tonight, Jaysus he should be arrested for that.
I would in me sh**e do what that woman is doing, I’d go up and lie down and go to sleep.


But did she enjoy it, really?

Oh yeah, we had a great little laugh.

Irish grannies. <3 Watch the full video here - there is NSFW language.

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