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So, how DID Robert do in the Leaving Cert?


Robert's mam, incognito
Robert's mam, incognito
Image: Screengrab

REMEMBER ROBERT, HIS mam and the Irish Oral?

If he got 40 per cent in the oral, he only needed 20 per cent in the written paper to get a C.


We are of course referring to that video of the Irish mammy beseeching her son to study for his Leaving Cert, and in particular his spoken Irish exam.

Now that results day is upon us, a Facebook page devoted to finding out how Robert did in his exams has over 42,000 likes and counting.

Are you out there Robert? Can you let us know how you did? Is your mammy proud?

Please, get in touch like a good gossun… emer@dailyedge.ie

9 adults who are being exceptionally unhelpful about the Leaving Cert>

Here’s how every Leaving Cert student feels on results morning>

9 unforgettable moments from your Leaving Cert results>

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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