ANYONE WITH AN Irish name knows that outside of our fair isle, where there aren’t so many Niamhs and Áines hanging around, things get difficult.
The excellent Twitter account The Irish For… (if you’re not following already, get to it) tweeted about how Americans pronounced the name of his friend, Oisín:
This prompted others blessed with beautiful (yet generally unpronounceable) Irish names to share how their monikers have been mangled… And boy have they been mangled.
Pádraig = ‘Porridge’
Pádraic = ‘Pork’
Éidín = ‘Iodine’
Bebhinn = ‘Kebin’
Aoife = ‘FIFA’
Oisín = ‘Hoisin’
And, hilariously, ‘Sneve’
Ah lads. There should be some sort of medal the government gives you for putting up with this. Keep your head up, Sneeves and Hoisins of the world!