Dublin: 11 °C Friday 21 February, 2025

The most Irish news item ever has been spotted in a Carlow paper

So close.

THE CLUB GAA lotteries that take place around the country are always a good chance to get your hands on some easy money – paying out a few grand here, a few grand there.

Last week in Ferns, Wexford there was a seriously big jackpot of €20,000 up for grabs.

And a Carlow player’s near miss made the local paper

bigwinner Source: Daithi O'Laoghaire/Twitter

In fairness, that was a close call.

But is there a more Irish news story than someone *not* winning a GAA lottery?

Spotted by Daithi O’Laoghaire in The Carlow People and shared on Twitter last night, this close call is up there with the most Irish news items of all time.


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About the author:

David Elkin

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