US IRISH ARE renowned for our friendliness and hospitality.
In fact, we’re almost friendly and polite to a fault.
1. You will spend 10 minutes trying to give directions to any tourist who asks
Where’s the Guinness Storehouse? Glad you asked.
*whips out phone, explains three different routes to get there*
2. And you will spend the rest of the day fretting over whether they ever actually got there in the end
3. If you come across any tourists at all, you go to great pains to recommend things to do
“No, you have to go to this little pub I know. Let me show you on my map.”
4. You always say “Thank you” to the bus driver
Even if your journey was horribly delayed or deeply unpleasant.
5. If it’s just you and another person in a lift, you’ll comment on the weather just for the sake of saying something
After all, you’d hate for anyone to think you were unfriendly or aloof.
6. If someone asks if the chair next to you is free, you basically beg them to take it
“It’s yours! Please! Be my guest! Go ahead!”
7. “I’ll leave you go” is the only appropriate way to exit a conversation
God forbid you say, “I have to go” or “I have nothing left to say.”
No, instead you pretend you’re the one holding the other person up. It’s the natural order.
8. If someone bangs into you, you will definitely apologise
We’re all nice, friendly people here. No need for the situation to escalate.
9. Going to the kitchen without offering to make everyone a cup of tea is simply not an option
Curse the person who actually takes you up on your offer, though.
10. And if someone compliments you on your outfit, you will do everything in your might to turn it back on them
Accept a compliment? Never. Don’t want anyone thinking you’re getting up yourself.
“Go away, I’m a total state. You look absolutely stunning, though!”