1. This incredible story of a young boy reaching out to a man in pain
Dubliner Jamie stopped to ask a man sitting on the edge of a bridge if he was OK. The question saved his life, and he was convinced that he should look for help. Months later, the man got in touch to say his wife was pregnant, and they would call him Jamie.
Full story on Humans of Dublin.
2. When this young man on a train to Dublin spoke to an elder couple for the whole journey
3. This Irish man who took his taxi driver on a rollercoaster as he’d never been on one before
Full story of the Cork lad’s lovely gesture over here.
4. When security guards at Trinity rescued this guy’s bike
5. Of course, Brian O’Driscoll surprising this little girl at Temple Street
6. When this bus driver stopped to give a homeless man a winter coat
7. This kind man who helped out a woman who wanted to buy her mother a Nutribullet to help with cancer treatment… so he bought her a brand new one for free
8. This Dublin DJ’s bike wasn’t locked to the pole properly so a woman took it in to keep it safe
9. This blogger’s act of kindness for a person returning home to Ireland in the wake of the Paris attacks
10. When this Chinese left a grieving family a note of support in their meal
Full story here.
11. When a stranger in Paulie’s Pizza paid for a couple’s pizza
Full story here.