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A ratings company spied on Irish telly tweets for a month, here's what they found

You lot love your Game of Thrones.

FROM JANUARY TO May, Irish viewers spent on average, three hours and thirty minutes watching TV every day. According to research carried out by TAM (Television Audience Measurement) Ireland, almost half of this with company.

So, you talk about it while watching it, but how about on Twitter?

In April, analytics company Colourtext analysed every tweet they could find coming out of Ireland, 15,500,000 in all from 169,000 Irish people living in Ireland.


They found that 43% of Irish people tweeted about what they were watching, with peak telly-talk occurring at 10pm on weekdays, and 8pm on weekends during the talent shows.

Game of Thrones and WWE wrestlemania were the big tweet generators in April, while Vincent Browne generated the most tweets per user during the month. The most tweets generated during a five minute period were during the Eastenders whodunnoit death of Lucy Beale and during WWE.

Turns out Irish people look a good dramatic moment, as well as cult series, such as Game of Thrones and current affairs shows like Vincent Browne, Primetime and The Late Late.

Saturday night talent shows like The Voice and Britain’s Got Talent are also hot topics of discussion.

The entire top ten of shows tweeted about in April:

1) Game of Thrones


2) WWE Westlemania

3) Tonight with Vincent Browne

4) The Voice of Ireland


5) Eastenders

6) The Late Late Show


7) Made in Chelsea

8) Britain’s Got Talent


9) Primetime

10) How I Met your Mother

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