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13 perfect graffiti adjustments spotted around Ireland


IF WE SEE something we don’t like, sure look, we’ll fix it.

1. Like this graffiti in Dublin, greatly improved by a Game of Thrones adjustment

PastedImage-80477 Source: caffymcg

2. Or this bin improvement

PastedImage-7701 Source: Imgur

3. Get it right, world, or we’ll intervene

PastedImage-54809 Source: Imgur, darraghd

4. This response from bar staff in Cassidy’s is essential

PastedImage-60828 Source: TheSonicScrew


5. This improved Strabane wall

PastedImage-870 Source: Desmond_Funk

6. And this important clarification

7. We’re all just trying to help each other out

8. This important welcome sign

PastedImage-42399 Source: Facebook

9. And this stop sign, keeping it real

PastedImage-85550 Source: DailyEdge.ie

10. Ah Ireland, a nation of informers

PastedImage-67296 Source: rox cursed, reddit


11. This perfect vision

PastedImage-41202 Source: Imgur

12. This majestic change in Bandon

Tweet by @Denis Hurley Source: Denis Hurley/Twitter

13. And finally, this old classic

PastedImage-50896 Source: Imgur, FatherJack

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This grafitti upgrade in Bandon is a thing of beauty>

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