Dublin: 8 °C Sunday 9 March, 2025

16 of the most Irish Snapchats ever sent

Cows and tractors… lots of em.

FIGURES TODAY SHOW that 84 percent of Irish teenagers between the age of 15 and 18 have the Snapchat app. Of the 25 to 34 year old age bracket, 35 percent have the photo sharing app.

No wonder it’s completely taking over Ireland, giving us some gems like these:

1. This emotional scene

1560483_653070791401516_1121617047_n Source: Snapchat Ireland Exposed

2. The farmer king of Snapchat

photo-1-84-333x500 Source: Paul McIntyre

3. Rollin in them punts

photo-4-27 Source: Donncha Conway

4. This all-too-familiar scenario

11170366_10155464403410471_3533673671560293161_n Source: UCCSU

5. The inevitable Father Ted reference

BaQFbhyIEAArCj4 Source: JohnMoyno

6. A+ pun

BrX_NFxCQAAIlei Source: ThisIsIRadio

7. That time some GAA jerseys appeared on the World Cup story

8. A typical commute

BWpq82hIIAAF3Cr Source: TheSonicScrew

9. Irish farming LAD

10931194_1606142996295907_5641112117190380290_n Source: blogforfarmersdaughters

10. Does everyone have cows except us?

BtFIdwRCEAEOfM- Source: MeganMcSharry

11. You can take the guy off the pitch, or something

1240504_683633818345213_544909002_n Source: Snapchat Ireland Exposed

12. Seriously

1925001_671723019536293_1074856378_n Source: Snapchat Ireland Exposed

13. Introducing, the most mortifying dad of all time

CAToFsqWMAEH0bk Source: Let_It_Be_Lexi

14. This gal has got her priorities straight

BxM9fMxCMAAEVqa Source: irish_smythie

15. We’re blind, BLIND

16. And finally, a lesson we all need to remember

small-faraway Source: Snapchat Ireland Exposed

Dublin got an official Snapchat story. It made everyone cringe>

An Irish lad has delivered a masterclass in trying to annoy your Grandad on Snapchat>

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