Dublin: 9 °C Monday 24 February, 2025

It's officially* summer! Let's play Irish summer bingo

*Depending on who you talk to.

NOW THAT IT’S 1 May, we can await the arrival of summer with open er… arms…

Via IceAgeNow.info

We’ve devised a quick little game of bingo to keep you amused during the (let’s face it) many rainy days ahead, so mark them off when you see one, and roar “HOUSE” when you’ve spotted them all. Simple.

A farmer’s tan

Image: Sodahead.com

Abandoned wellies/teenagers after Oxegen/Electric Picnic

Photocall Ireland

Someone eating ice cream in the rain

Flickr/Creative Commons/ DrBjorn

A massive traffic jam at Brittas/Tramore/Salthill on that one nice day

A lot of rainfall radars like this one

Met Eireann rainfall radar

Miserable tourists

Photocall Ireland

Suits sitting in the sun

Photocall Ireland

Strawberries for sale

6 Irish things you’ll see the minute spring arrives>

Pregnant at 10, a virgin at 60… Google searches based on age>

10 things that are the worst things EVER>

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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