Dublin: 6 °C Friday 14 March, 2025

The biggest chancer in Ireland is selling bottled 'Irish Summer' on DoneDeal

The best day of the year! In a jar.

irishsummer1 Source: DoneDeal

“IRISH SUMMER? WHAT Irish summer?” We hear you cry. Well, there was one day here, and one day there… Ah, who are we kidding. There was no Irish summer.

One Cork lad was lucky enough to experience a few hours of sun – so he’s selling his bit of Irish summer, bottled, on DoneDeal.

irish summer Source: DoneDeal

Seller and biggest chancer in Ireland John writes:

Lasting over four hours in total on a beautiful August day, people lost their minds. HB Ice Cream nearly crashed with the demand on their products, while Mr Whippy drivers were pumping tunes throughout the housing estates of Ireland.

irishsummer2 Source: DoneDeal

Anyway, if you missed the unbelievable phenomenon due to work commitments (ie. working a 9am-5pm job) do not fear! I decided to capture the Irish Summer in a number of jars from around the beautiful city of Cork.

The four jars, presented in a stylish wicker basket, contain snippets of Irish summer from the Old City Jail, the Shandon Bell Tower, the UCC Quad and the Mardyke.

irishsummer3 Source: DoneDeal

There are some important footnotes to consider, however:


And for the low, low price of €150, it can all be yours. Oh, and he’ll also throw in a Cork bee candle, made by his dad.

We’re pretty tempted. It’s cheaper than a holiday, is it not?

Thanks to John McLoughlin for sending this in

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