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The 9 essential elements of an Irish salad

It’s too hot to be cooking!

KALE, ROCKET, FETA CHEESE – these are the foodstuffs you’d think of when you hear the word ‘salad’, right?

But not in Ireland. In kitchens across the land, especially in warm weather, you’re more likely to be greeted with this:

11050645_10155792061655574_1309436338588751045_n Source: Kerry Doyle/OMGWACA Facebook

This is your typical Irish salad. Here we will detail the elements, in order of importance:

1. Two slices of ham, rolled up

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Got to get the meat in. Bonus points if it’s crumbed.

2. Some slices of cheese

Mild_Red_Cheddar_Slices_1kg Source: Grandma-singletons

Red cheddar, preferably. No messing around with anything fancy.

3. A hard boiled egg, cut in half

Boiled_Egg_-_Crossection Source: Wikimedia

An Irish salad without a hard boiled egg is a failed salad.

4. Scallions

Spanakopita - Chopped scallions Source: Flickr/grongar

One whole scallion, to be precise, mixed evenly in with your few dribbles of lettuce. People won’t like the smell, but do you know what? They can lump off.

5. A few cursory bits of iceberg lettuce

wikihow Source: WikiHow

The lettuce is put in, but only out of obligation. Sure it tastes alright if it’s doused with…

6. Lashings of Chef salad cream

Salad-Cream--500x500 Source: Valeo Foods

It wouldn’t be an Irish summer salad without it!

7. A dollop of potato salad

1280px-Potato_salad_with_egg_and_mayonnaise Source: Wikimedia

How all salads really should be, TBH.

8. Coleslaw

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Picked up from the deli on the way home, just how you like it.

9. Beetroot from a jar

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Not essential, but a nice little addition if you can get it.

Now, get yourself to the deli and arrange yourself an Irish salad. Sure it’s too hot to be cooking!

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