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8 worries every Irish person has when the sun comes out

“Should I wear shorts though?”

Good Sunny Weather Source: Sasko Lazarov/Photocall Ireland

URGENT NEWS: THE ‘Irish summer’ may just be over.

Met Eireann has predicted that we’ll finally be seeing some good weather this week, with temperatures expected to reach 21 degrees by the weekend. PRAISE THE LORD.

With that in mind, here are the eight panicked thoughts that go through an Irish person’s head every time the sun peeks through the clouds.

1. Should I bring a jacket?


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The eternal struggle – ‘it’s warm now, but it could be cold later’, and vice versa. How do we tackle this? Is attaching a mac-in-a-sac to your person at all times the only option?

2. Is it a bit too hopeful to wear shorts?

sundek-red-hibiscus-board-shorts-product-1-7645906-691236494 Source: Lystit

You don’t want to be the only eejit toddling about in summer gear, like.

3. When was the last time I shaved my legs/underarms?

hairy-legs-gif Source: Elitedaily

One for certain ladies to ponder as they watch the sky brighten from the office.

4. Should we just go ahead and have a barbecue?

Scorch some meat while the barbie is hot, or regret it forever. FOREVER.

5. Can everyone see my sweat patches?

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Probably. But they’re definitely too busy thinking about their own to care.

6. This will surely turn to tan, won’t it? It will

You were outside for two minutes at lunchtime and now possess a shnozz as red as Rudolph’s. Sun cream? LOL.

7. Will we be able to get near the canal/beach at all?

Dublin Weather Scenes. Pictured people Source: Sam Boal/Photocall Ireland

Nothing worse than rocking up with your bag of cans/beach towel only to find that everyone had the exact same idea as you.

8. Is this it now?

The answer is: Yes. This is probably it.

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