ONLY IN IRELAND, will you understand how much is required when someone gives you these measurements.
If you’ve got a hayp of things wrong with you, it’s not looking good. Hayp is used as a miscellaneous larger-than-average size, and can describe anything. Food, trouble, cows, pints, or people.
Loads. Like, shiteloads is a lot. It’s shiteloads. You better watch out if someone uses it to describe how much you’ve pissed them off.
Technically, it’s 200ml of a spirit, but to us, it’s a naggin.
Not full cut, but half cut. Not quite completely sloshed, but on their way.
So much. A rake of something means you’ve simply got too much of it.
[with regards to scoops]
Definitely, at least six scoops will be had. A few does not equal ‘few’, which would imply a little amount.
Usually used in the North, a lock is an unknown quantity on the small side. We’ve only a wee lock of beer on us.
When describing just how full a venue or party is, turn to jointed if it’s packed. The place was jointed with beours lads.
This describes distance down the road, e.g. it’s only a spit from Pauly’s pub. It’s not though, it’s at least 200 miles.