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13 of the greatest edits in the history of Irish Wikipedia

Gags, real stories… Irish Wiki has it all.

1. When someone convinced the Americans that a fanny pack is called a “gee bag” in Ireland through a sneaky Wikipedia edit

geebag Source: Wikipedia

2. That time Robbie Brady scored against France and his full name was appropriately altered

3. As was the main description that fateful night in June

4. Waterford Institute of Technology got a sly dig in at Carlow It with their Wiki motto

waterfordit Source: Wikipedia

5. And someone felt the need to remind scholars of Leninism of this very important distinction

6. Who could forget Nadia Forde’s bio when she was in the jungle

nadia Source: Wikipedia

That skills bio:

She is also a high respected snake handler/charmer with Irish snake handling circles, following 2 years of training in the tibetian mountains.

7. And this source wasn’t exactly a solid basis for that info, in fairness

nadia2 Source: Wikipedia

8. When this (entirely accurate) edit was made to Bono’s page

The evolution of Bono’s nicknames:

The gang had a ritual of nickname-giving. Bono had several names: first, he was “Steinhegvanhuysenolegbangbangbang”, then just “Huyseman”, followed by “Houseman”, “Bon Murray”, “Bono Vox of O’Connell Street”, and finally just “Bono”.

9. This anecdote about Brian O’Driscoll at Oxegen 2009 is why Wikipedia is the best

Thank you to the hero who got around to updating it:

Rugby union player Brian O’Driscoll and his actress friend Amy Huberman were in attendance, camping in a Winnebago. Upon trying to view Kings of Leon on a platform he was turned back by security as he did not have the correct wristband. Annoyed at this rejection, O’Driscoll left the festival early and flew to Dublin’s RDS venue for a Bruce Springsteen concert, where he had a much more enjoyable time and cried when The Boss complimented him on stage on his sporting prowess. Pete Doherty, Kelly Jones and Natalie Portman, the latter of whom was seen buying pasta at one point,also attended the Kings of Leon show at Oxegen 2009.

10. When Ireland beat Germany last year, you know what happened to the “nicknames” section

germany Source: wikipedia

11. And this sneaky Conor McGregor edit was always going to be done to the UFC page, in fairness

12. Remember in 2013 when Ardal O’Hanlon was actually Pope?

13. And that Oscar-winning classic… My Right Foot

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About the author:

David Elkin

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