WOULD YOU BELIEVE that the French have only now figured out their own word for French kissing?
That’s right, while the rest of the English speaking world have been attributing kissing with tongues to the French, they themselves didn’t have a specific word for the practice.
This week, however, ‘galocher’ was officially entered into the French dictionary Le Petit Robert 2014 and there will be no more confusion around the exchange of survival.
In Ireland, we have never struggled for words to describe a sloppy auld kiss. In fact, we’ve brimming over with them.
Here are 9 of the, frankly, exquisite terms we use to describe the romantic art of kissing with tongues.
Verb, to wear the face off someone. ’They were wearing the face off each other’.
Verb, to shift someone. ’Did you see the lad she shifted last night? RIDE AND A HALF.’
Verb, to meet. ’Will you meet me mate?’
This one is perhaps the most confusing term, for obvious reasons.
Verb, to feek. ‘He’s feeking that one alright.’
Verb, to score. ’I scored yer wan last night.’
Go away with
Verb, to go away with. ‘Oh yeah, she went away with him last night. Apparently it was awful.’
Verb, to mug. ‘They were mugging the face off each other!’
Lobbing the gob
Verb, to lob the gob. ‘The he tried to lob the gob! I was having none of it.’
To be with
Verb, to be with. ‘He was with THREE GIRLS at that party.’
Also very very confusing.
What did you say ’round your way?