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The 8 stages of procrastination

If you’re procrastinating by reading this article, stop it right now. Wait, actually, don’t.


But do you take it too far? Is “why put off today what can be put off tomorrow” your constant motto?

Well, stop it. There’s a world of possibilities out there for you to pursue… And no, not in ten minutes. Now.

Here are the stages a true procrastinator goes through.

1. Writing a to-do list

In fact, writing one several times. Still haven’t crossed anything off but STILL, writing a list is progress right? Wrong.

If you weren’t procrastinating, you wouldn’t be writing that to-do list – you’d be actually DOING something.

Source: The Meta Picture

2. Cleaning the house

Got a deadline or unwelcome task looming? We bet you find yourself cleaning out that dusty kitchen cupboard instead.

“HEY!” We hear you cry. “It’s not procrastination if it’s not fun!” Oh but it is.

Source: Funny Junk

3. You lose your attention span

Where is it?

Wait, what were we talking about again?

Source: UberHumor

4. Firing up the internet

“I’ll just sit down and spend five minutes checking my email…” Cut to darkness, several hours later.

Source: Imgur

5. One more episode

A chronic illness. The main symptom? Just one more episode.

Source: KulFoto

6. You suddenly hear your duvet calling to you

Only the duvet truly understands you.

Source: Joy Reactor

7. Time to craft an expertly witty Facebook status

Bonus points if it’s about how much work you have to do.

Source: FoDrizzle

8. You’re driving your friends crazy

With all that procrastinating, by the time you DO get anything done it’s far too late. Oh well.

Source: The Daily Shift


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