JAMIE DORNAN’S NEW flick Untogether is premiering at Tribeca Film Festival next week.
Class, what’s it about?
Dornan plays a doctor called Nick, who has a one-night stand with writing prodigy Andrea (played by Jemima Kirke). Their relationship inevitably develops into something more, although that ‘something’ is never really defined – very #relatable for the millenials.
Andrea, recently sober, is fully consumed with destructive vices, living in L.A. with her sister Tara who is trying to end things with her boyfriend Martin, who gave up his Australian fame as a rock ‘n’ roll god to be with her.
Cool, who else is in it and who directed it?
Billy Crystal, Alice Eve, Jennifer Grey, Lola Kirke, Ben Mendelsohn and Scott Caan co-star. Untogether is Emma Forrest’s feature screenwriting and directorial debut. She has previously written three novels, and was Colin Farrell’s girlfriend once upon a time.
And what should we be expecting from it?
This definitely won’t be anywhere near as intense as Dornan’s previous roles in the Fifty Shades franchise or The Fall. Untogether is put forward as a comedy drama, with Dornan looking to show his “funny side”. Intriguing.
Also, he’s back speaking as the Lord intended to him – with his Nordie accent. Praise be.
Can I see a clip?
Sure – Deadline have an exclusive sneak peak at the movie here. Or you can watch it here, if you’re too lazy to click through.