WHILE HIS CAREER and fate hang in the balance, Jeremy Clarkson hasn’t been up to a whole lot, save for addressing his loyal fans on Twitter.
Last night, a fan wrote that he had to resort to going back through his recordings to get his weekly Clarkson fix.
It’s been a trying time for David, as you can see.
While scrolling through his Twitter mentions, Clarkson evidently stumbled upon David’s tweet and decided to weigh in with a suggestion as to what he should watch.
In a follow-up tweet, Clarkson subsequently clarified that he wasn’t wearing his “specs” (Dad-speak for glasses, FYI) and presumably misread Extreme Fishing.
Right, okay.
David gave him a free pass anyway.
As for Clarkson, things continue to go from bad to worse.
Just today, it was reported that a number of live Top Gear shows scheduled to take place in Norway have been cancelled in the wake of Clarkson’s fracas.