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Joan Burton reprimanded by animal rights group after "skin a cat" comment

Joan. Cat menacer.

catjoan Source: Photocall Ireland/Imgur

ANIMAL RIGHTS GROUP ARAN has asked the Tánaiste to think twice before she speaks after she referenced cat skinning while talking to reporters yesterday.

Joan Burton was talking about the possibility that the government might not go for retrospective capitalisation of the banks when she quipped:

There is more than one way to skin a cat.


ARAN says it believes there was no harm intended by the Tánaiste’s words, but in a statement (yes, an official statement) the group said that her words “went out on public platforms and could potentially damage the already troubled animal”.

ARAN’S John Carmody said:

As Tánaiste of this country, people will listen to what Joan is saying and we cannot have her coming out with phrases like she did yesterday talking about skinning a cat in order to sell her story of the upcoming budget. Cruelty to animals is on the rise in Ireland and cats are most often the number one target of choice for abusers.

First metal fans, now cats. Who’s next Joan? Baby goats Joan? Ducklings Joan? TINY RED PANDAS JOAN?

man_scares_red_panda-12944 Source: Gifbay

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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