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7 thoughts we have all had in a job interview

*clammy hands*

THE JOB INTERVIEW. It’s never, ever an easy process – but for some of us it’s downright torture.

If you’re that way inclined, here are some familiar thoughts you might recognise:

1. “I wish I didn’t wear this outfit”

Onwards Source: Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Every time.

2. “There are probably 17 typos on the first page of my CV”

bella-swan-nervous Source: Gurl

Should have re-read it a few more times.

3. “I’m making weird amounts of eye contact”

tumblr_lfql9rDe511qd54l6 Source: Tumblr

4. “Am I dangerously underqualified for this role?”

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The doubts. The crippling doubts about basic abilities.

5. “I can’t believe I didn’t research this job more”

Nasmadie's Animated Gif Source: PhotoBucket

6. “I am absolutely winging this”

giphy Source: Giphy

You’re shocked at your new found ability to come up with nonsense on the spot.

7. “How can I tell everyone this went well?”

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As you leave, all thoughts turn to how this can be spun into “the best interview I’ve ever done.”

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About the author:

David Elkin

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