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Aaron Samuels tweeted behind-the-scenes photos from Mean Girls

You can’t just ask someone why they’re posting photos after nine years.

IN A MOVE that’s about nine years too late, Mean Girls ‘hot jock’ Aaron Samuels (aka Jonathan Bennett) has been posting behind-the-scenes snaps from the set of Mean Girls.

Jonathan Bennett? Aaron Samuels? Remember him?

The totally dreamy crush that looked sexy with his hair pushed back?

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He asked what day it was that one time?

rs_500x221-131003121724-tumblr_inline_mu3ebimFR91rin3kj Source: Eonline


Maybe his flashback snaps will jog your memory.

Here is he with Karen and Gretchen at the infamous Halloween party. She’s a mouse, DUH.

meangirls1 Source: Twitter/j_benntt

There’s Regina before she ripped his heart out by cheating with Shane Olman

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Janis and the plastics in the same room together

meangirls3 Source: Twitter/j_benntt

Bennett is now 32 and since Mean Girls, has played such roles as Unnamed interviewee in ‘Morning Glory’ (starring Regina George).

tumblr_m9jhqgpics1rtwazuo1_500 Source: Perezhilton

h/t to Buzzfeed

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