KANYE WEST HAD a bit to say in an interview with BBC Radio 1′s Zane Lowe yesterday.
Well, it was more of a declaration from Kanye of his greatness.
Here are some of the more ‘out there’ quotes.
1. On being a better Michael Jackson by Michael Jackson
I wouldn’t be Kanye West if it wasn’t for Michael Jackson. I was able to ascend to massive heights and never stop because of what Michael Jackson did. I’ve got to a point Michael Jackson did not break down. I have reached the glass ceiling, as a creative person, as a celebrity. I look around and say, wait a second, there’s no one around here in this space that looks like me, and if there are, they’re quiet as f**k.
2. On Yeezus being true art
It still sounds like art, even though, it was obviously a radio smash. I’m not tryna regurgitate myself, I showed people that I know how to make perfect. Dark Fantasy could be considered to be perfect, I know how to make perfect, but that’s not what I’m here to do. I’m here to crack pavements. This is what frustration sounds like.
Zane doesn’t help with bringing him back down to earth
But seriously, Yeezus, bravo dude that’s one of the most creative records I’ve heard in any genre in a long time. You’re treated to these wonderful moments, it’s almost like a collage. Y’know what, why can’t I go into this?
3. On fashion (shout the whole thing for full effect)
We brought the leather jogging pants six years ago to Fendi, and they said no. How many motherf**kers you done seen with a leather jogging pant? So when I see Hedi Slimane, and it’s like, OK, this is my take on the world, yeah, he’s got some nice $5,000 jeans in there, it’s some nice ones here and there, some good sh*t here and there, but we culture. Rap the new rock and roll. We culture. Rap is the new rock and roll. We the rockstars. It’s been like that for a minute, Hedi Slimane! It’s been like that for a minute! We the biggest rockstars, and I’m the biggest of them all!
4. On branching out his creativity
I shouldn’t be limited to only one place of creativity. You guys don’t understand, you guys don’t understand, that I did the Yeezys… and they eBayed for $90,000, and people wanted them badly. But I didn’t get a call from Nike the next. You don’t understand, what they do is try figure out how to control you.
5. On his ambition
I want to be the anchor, the force, behind a million dollar company. I eventually want to be the anchor behind the first trillion dollar company.
6. On his gift, to you
If you’re a Kanye fan, you’re not a fan of me, you’re a fan of yourself. I’m just the espresso. I’m just the shot in the morning.
7. On being a creative ‘celebrity’
If you look at Gaga… she’s the creative director of Polaroid. I like some GaGa songs, but what the f**k does she know about cameras?
8. On being a God
When I say I’m a God, people are like “who does he think he is?” I just told you who I think I am. A God.
Gear up those eyes for a rollin’. You can listen back to the full interview here.