IT WAS ONLY last week that Kate and Leo met up once again at a climate change gala in St Tropez (with Billy Zane there too).
Look at the pair of them:
20 years on from meeting on the set of Titanic, they’ve forged one of the best and – from the outside, anyway – most genuine friendships in Hollywood.
1. Here they are larking around on set back in 1997 – blissfully unaware of an evil iceberg coming their way
2. It was here that the friendship started, as James Cameron barked orders from behind the camera
3. “Seriously lads, we’re not getting together. Even though we’re always photographed staring into each other’s eyes like this”
4. Pretty much any picture from the Titanic set is nostalgia gold
5. And the pair of them going to awards after
“We really, really didn’t expect it to be this popular”
6. Right up to the recent day, they’re still looking well
7. She was there to celebrate with him when he finally won his Oscar
8. “Let’s stare into each other’s eyes on the red carpet, because that is what we do”
9. Kate and Leo go together as well as…
10. Jack and Rose
11. From their days of underestimating what a giant Titanic would become
The full interview is here:
12. To each winning Oscars decades later
13. It’s been quite a journey
14. And if Rose had have moved over a little, it’s safe to say both would have survived the icy waters of the Atlantic