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The search is on for the ridiculously good-looking Kerry barman

He’s used his looks as a defence in court.

barman Source: Irish Times

IN ONE OF the greatest stories of recent times, it’s emerged than a Kerry barman has used his good looks as a defence in court.

Writing in the Irish Times Anne Lucey reports that 41-year-old James O’Connor found it difficult to clear the bar after closing time because the women found him too attractive.

fb Source: Facebook - Liam Sheehan

He was before the district court in Kenmare on allegations of serving alcohol after hours twice last summer. O’Connor’s solicitor said that his client was a “slight rogue” who ladies found it difficult to pry themselves away from.

Pictorial evidence of O’Connor’s irresistable looks has not yet been forthcoming, but the search is on.

And if other handsome Kerrymen are anything to go on…

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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