THE KERRY ACCENT is known across the lands as one of Ireland’s most distinctive and craic-laden.
And there are some words that take it to the next level:
1. Maul
As in, maul on t’f**k.
2. Whisht
As in, hauld that.
3. Amadán
Never has the ebb and flow of an Irish accent sounded so good and so cutting.
4. Style
The quintessential Irish version of the classic “shtyle.”
5. Harping
“He’s harpin’ on over there so he is.”
6. Gout
The wonderful merging of “go out” into a singular phrase.
7. Creature
The crater.
8. Ara
‘Ara’ can exist on its own in a simple beautiful sentence. Ara.
9. Kingdom
Said with such pride and authority.
10. Hoor
As in the cutest of cute.
11. Topping
You know yourself.