REMEMBER THE NORWEGIAN kid who stole his mam and dad’s car, crashed it and then told police he was a dwarf who’d forgotten his licence?
Well he’s only gone and done it again, stealing a second car in less than a fortnight.
The 10-year-old managed to drive for about 3o km (19 miles) in a relative’s car before eventually stopping.
Last time he only made it 10km before crashing into a ditch near Dokka, about 110km north of Oslo. His baby sister was found safe and well in the vehicle.
The boy’s parents contacted the police when they realised he was at it again, and the authorities sent out messages via Twitter and traffic radio in the hopes of catching him.
It was a bystander who eventually apprehended the young joyrider and took his keys away when the car came to a complete stop.
“Nobody was injured, but that was more due to luck than anything else,” Baard Christiansen, a spokesman for the Vest Oppland police, told Reuters.
The adults around the boy must take responsibility now before a tragedy occurs. It is scary and very sad that he is allowed to keep going on like this.
No charges were filed in the aftermath of the previous incident but it appears that the police won’t be taking any chances this time. The family has been reported to child services.
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