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11-year-old writes hilarious letter to Tubridy for a co-hosting slot on the Toy Show

“I hope you can see my point because what do I get oh yeah NOTHING!”

DO YOU SUFFER from the dreaded ‘Middle Child Syndrum’? Young Fergal Smith from Cavan does.

He wrote this pleading letter to Ryan Tubridy in an attempt to convince the presenter to give him a co-hosting slot on the upcoming Late Late Toy Show.

Worth a shot Fergal, worth a shot.

tubridyletter Source: Tubridy 2fm

Hi Ryan
My name is Fergal smith I am 11 years old I am from Co. Cavan. I would love if I could co host on the Late Late Toy show for like a couple of mins with you because I am a middle child and I have this disability called ‘middle child syndrum’ this is a common disability I will tell you what side affects are. OK lets say your oldest like my brother Ciaran, he gets all the credit because when anybody comes to the house there always are like ‘you better look after your younger brothers’ and now lets say your the youngest like my brother Pearse Og everybody is like ‘ahh he is so cute’ I hope you can see my point because what do I get oh yeah NOTHING! look it, if you could find a place in your heart to let me co host the Late Late toy show I would be over the moon and I heard there is a few bob in it too but I am not doing it for the money more for the crack and joy of getting to co host the Late Late toy show with you.
please send a reply by Friday thanks
Fergal smith
P.S. I was only joking about the whole money idea

Sure you were, sure you were.

His mammy later appeared on the show calling her son a “monkey” and said that Fergal wrote the entire email himself and sent it off without her knowledge.

But will he be appearing on the Toy Show? Well, Tubridy had some bad news, saying that he thinks “all those children have been chosen and boxed away”.

Middle Child Syndrum strikes again.

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