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16 reasons children and pets are a magic combination

Rugrats, of all types.

POPE FRANCIS RECENTLY revealed that he believes some couples are replacing children with pets.

At a special mass in the Vatican earlier this month he said cats and dogs were no replacement for kids.

We say: HAVE BOTH! (If you’re that way inclined)

Kids and pets are a wonderful combination. Here’s the evidence…

This pair

baby dog Source: Imgur

And this pair

kissykitty Source: Isprimecdn

This patient dog and his little friend

photo Source: Googleusercontent

Best pals

iYLwHfY Source: Imgur

“Come on tiny human, LET’S PLAY FETCH!”

fetch-ball Source: Petsgifs

“Ok look, I’ll show you how”


Someday Simba, all this will be yours

Our daughter and cat on the patio - Imgur Source: Imgur

Waiting together


“Here, let me get that for you”


This face

kids need pets. - Imgur Source: Imgur

Let me love you

baby-and-cat-o Source: Gifsoup

I have so much love to give!

Just my girlfriend's daughter showing the cat some love. - Imgur Source: Imgur

In a galaxy far far away…

You look fabulous darling

My daughter was pretty excited to make the cat a princess. - Imgur Source: Imgur

Sleeping beauties

puppy-sleeping-on-baby Source: Cutestuff

Sharing is caring

I went to check on my daughter and found this... greedy cat - Imgur Source: Imgur

19 pets who just want your unbridled attention>

Cat says ‘Hey’>

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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