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18 toys that will make kids who watched too much TV in the early 00s feel so nostalgic

Throwback to all of your Christmas lists.

1. So many dolls that really did nothing special

baby sophie hand to hand hand to foot

This Baby Sophie doll’s main gimmick was that it could touch its foot with its hand.

baby sophie foot

2. This very mundane ‘Baby All Gone’ who simply ate cherries off a spoon

baby all gone cherries

Source: kagemusha168/YouTube

3. And ‘Baby Wee Wee’, a doll that could go to the toilet

This is hands down the worst children’s toy ever made. We really hope the father in this ad was paid well for sacrificing a huge amount of his dignity. The other ad for this product featured Baby Wee Wee urinating on a tree in a park.

Source: worldofwonder99/YouTube

4. Bratz Babyz

These are supposed to be the Bratz dolls as infants, yet their heads were probably twice the width of the adult Bratz dolls heads.

Source: BratzFanz/YouTube

5. Bratz BIG Babyz

The Bratz Babyz but bigger for some reason.

Source: HugeBritneySpearsFan/YouTube

6. Dream Phones

These were much earlier than some of these other ads but apparently all of our older sisters were obsessed with the concept of Guess Who but for dating an imaginary boy via telephone. It was like Tinder but probably much less disappointing.

Source: GeorgeVHS/YouTube

7. Password Journals

Girl Tech really give themselves a big pat on the back at the end of this ad – “Girl Tech knows girls”. Although I guess they did know me, because I really wanted one of these.

Source: MIKER PHONE/YouTube

8. Cheese Strings

As a product alone, Cheese Strings were kind of gross. But ads like this made everyone want them so they could make a cheese mustache in school.

cheese string mustache

9. Babybel Cheese

Again, we’re unsure if any children actually enjoyed these miniature wheels of cheese for any reason other than the fact that they were such a novelty lunch product.

Source: UKTVify/YouTube

10. Every board game

Hungry Hungry Hippos had no story line, it was just about reaching near-violent levels of competitiveness to smack hippos faster than your siblings and friends, but because it was on TV we all wanted it. We also all remember the jingle 20+ years later.

Source: retrorocker/YouTube

11. Crocodile Dentist

Child friendly Russian Roulette. The terror of the children being charged at by this plastic crocodile is palpable.

Source: E Tank/YouTube

12. Floam

Every parents nightmare because they just knew that their child would get it stuck in their hair or mash it into furniture.

Source: loveforlogos/YouTube

14. What’s that coming over the hill? Is it a Hexbug?

This song is still stuck in your head 10 years later.

Source: HEXBUG Official/YouTube

15. Rowntree’s Body Parts

Before Rowntree’s Randoms, we were eating body parts.

rowntrees body parts

16. Children’s vanity tables

If only children knew the stress that getting ready to go out would bring them for the rest of their lives once their mam stopped doing most of the work for them.

chicco vanity unit

chicco vanity unit2

17. Cooooookie Crisp

These tasted more like Nesquik than actual cookies.

cookie crisp

18. Barbie Magic Key House

As a child, this looked like a mansion to me. Right now it’s extremely underwhelming and looks like it would cost €1200 per month to live in if it were in Rathmines.

Source: Ads "R" Us/YouTube

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About the author:

Kelly Earley

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