Dublin: 7 °C Sunday 9 March, 2025

6 very helpful notes from kids to teachers

Kids can be very… direct.

NOW THAT THE schools are back, kids around Ireland will be getting to know their new teachers.

They may need a few guidelines when writing notes. As always, we’re here to help.

1. Don’t be afraid to settle

This Valentine's Day, give the gift of honesty | PassiveAggressiveNotes.com Source: Passiveaggressivenotes

2. Set your standards at a level that suits you

Little kid's end-of-year note to teacher praises her for not being a violent rage-machine. - Imgur Source: Imgur

3. Be honest

Teacher Appreciation: Letters from First Graders | PassiveAggressiveNotes.com Source: Passiveaggressivenotes

4. Offer advice if appropriate

poop Source: Imgur

5. Don’t be afraid of a little poetic licence

vJp7Bmd Source: Imgur

 6. And finally, check your spelling and vocabulary carefully

My 1st grade teacher wife was given this note from a student who will be out tomorrow....I want to go where he is going. - Imgur Source: Imgur

10 reasons you should always read notes from kids carefully>

11 kids who put their dastardly plans in writing>

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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