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Here's how Kim Kardashian's arse is helping teenagers learn maths

The future of the planet is truly in safe hands.

SO YOU’VE ALL seen Kim Kardashian’s naked photo shoot at this stage. Many scoffed at it or frowned, while others said it was beautiful and bold.

Well, here’s a new description to add to it–educational.

The Paper magazine photos are now being used to teach maths to teenagers. Of course!

American test prep company Catalyst have used the photos to mock up SAT questions (a standardised test used for US college admissions), tweeting out the hypothetical questions to challenge students.

Jared Friedland, CEO of Catalyst told the Huffington Post that the questions “represent three types of circle problems that the SAT asks over and over again”.

Can you solve them?

The future of education, ladies and gents.


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