MIKE AMESS IS a retail assistant in Exeter, south-west England. He has a crippling phobia of the Kardashians – especially Kim.
Amess is so scared of the pneumatic star that the sight of her makes him vomit uncontrollably. This phobia is ruining his life.
He told his story to the Mail Online. You can read the full article here, but we’ve picked out his most significant quotes.
On what happens when he unexpectedly comes across an image of Kim Kardashian:
My hands get clammy, my breathing gets heavier and I start sweating. Sometimes, I get teary and want to retch.
On how this affects his life:
I really enjoy reading the news but if I see Kim on the cover of a newspaper or a big picture of her across a website, I won’t go near it. It makes life really difficult.
On watching Kim’s sex tape age 17:
The sight of Kim writhing around with her huge bum and the sound of her horrible high-pitched wailing repulsed me. By the end of the tape, I had burst into tears.
On accidentally flipping channels to Kanye’s Bound 2 video:
Seeing Kim naked, with her boobs bouncing about like that brought back memories of that horrendous sex tape. It was like reliving that incident all over again. Before I knew it, I was sweating like a pig and throwing up.
On his mates:
Once, my friend put a picture of Kim Kardashian on his bathroom door so I couldn’t go to the loo all night. It was unbearable! Another time, one of my mates got drunk at a party and chased after me with a photo of Kim’s ‘Belfie’ on his mobile phone.
On his future:
I wish I wasn’t scared of the Kardashians.