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Dublin: 11 °C Monday 24 February, 2025

Kings of Leon are in Dublin having pints... and getting drinking advice

They know how to pour a proper Guinness.

Source: AP/Press Association Images

KINGS OF LEON are playing Dublin’s Marlay Park on Friday.

They’ve already arrived in town. (Or at least, one of them has.) So they did the decent thing and went to the pub.

Bassist Jared Followill tweeted last night:

He also posted this photo of his pint, with the caption “When in Rome.”

Source: jaredfollowill

This prompted one local to give him some essential Guinness-based advice.

Which he unceremoniously shut down.

Reassuring to learn that the Kings know how to pour a proper Guinness. And that they don’t subscribe to the heretical ‘one-pour Guinness’ claims that shook the internet earlier this year.

Good man Jared. Good man.

Source: Gifsoup

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About the author:

Michael Freeman

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