AH YES, THE lads’ apartment – a quintessential staple of Ireland.
It’s a quirky setting – guaranteed to have some sporting event on the TV 79 percent of the time. And it has many other standout features:
1. A collection of DVDs bought some time in the 00s
The Sopranos. The Wire. Band of Brothers.
They are never opened but remain there as a dusty tribute to a bygone DVD age.
2. An old carpet that was there when the lads first moved in
No fancy new carpet here, this one has character.
3. A random ball lying in the corner
Nobody plays American Football, but everyone loves to just hold it.
4. A constant lack toilet paper
A supply that is always on the verge of being non-existent.
5. A comically over sized TV
For sport.
In extreme circumstances a projector can be deployed for larger events – but that is a pro move.
6. An unexplained stack of books on a window shelf
Some of them are for reading, others are relics of a college project from about six years ago. No questions are ever asked as to why the pile remains.
7. A communal bowl for contraception
Hardly a conversation starter for a classy dinner party, but it’s there.
8. A good set of quality speakers
9. A hurl standing alone in the corner
Nobody really knows how it got there.
10. A poker set that rarely gets used
All those planned “big poker nights” just haven’t happened.
11. A framed picture of a 90s movie
For, you know, art.