ALL OF US have that one friend who is always late for every single occasion.
If you don’t know anyone like that – it might well be you. For the poor punctually-deficient people among us, this is their life:
1. You send the ‘just leaving now’ text on a daily basis – even though you’re still in bed
2. Your version of ‘on time’ is different to everyone else’s
“Ah, sure I’m only 15 minutes late.”
3. You tactically prepare your excuses based on the occasion
You’re the master. If you’re coming in a certain way, you know where exactly “there was traffic” and your excuses are detailed. But obviously nobody believes you because you’re constantly pulling this s**t.
4. You’ve got the apologetic in transit message sorted as well
So much sincerity.
5. You secretly believe that your friends tell you an earlier time than everyone else
They’re on to you. When you arrive half an hour “late” and everyone else is just getting there, you know.
Your reputation among your friends has sunk that low.
6. Public transport is your arch nemesis
Sure, you left yourself needing to get that one bus – but it’s now late. For you to arrive on time, you’d have needed everything public transport related to fall into place. And it never does.
7. When you are on time something will always happen
“This time I was ACTUALLY on time and…” but nobody will believe you.
You’re the boy/girl that cried traffic jam one too many times.
8. You’re always optimistic about the next trip though
“I’m not going to change anything. I’ll leave half an hour before and it will be grand.”
It’s almost admirable.
9. With some friends, you don’t even bother with excuses
10. Your apologies when you walk in are met with looks like
11. You have convinced yourself that ‘fashionably late’ is a real thing
And you apply it to every situation.
12. You actually set your phone ten minutes ahead – but it still doesn’t help
You just know it’s wrong in your head.
13. But you’ve learned to be on time for really important stuff – resulting in you arriving way too early
Never going to get it bang on time.
14. And finally… you tell your friends you have real plans to get better
Every time you’re late for something big.
Everyone knows it probably won’t be getting better any time soon though.