THE LATE LATE Show is an institution in Ireland. This much we know.
But did you know that its influence can be felt all the way over in New York City?
Introducing The Late Late, a hip New York bar named after the long-running chat show.
What’s the deal?
Located on the Lower East Side, the bar opened last June and is owned by Irish entrepeneur James Morrissey and, rather bizarrely, Florence + The Machine guitarist Rob Ackroyd.
But it isn’t your traditional Irish pub. No siree!
Instead, it positions itself as a slightly more upmarket establishment. As they tell
We are very different to the stereotypical “Irish bars” which exist abroad. The Late Late is subtly Irish and resembles a traditional residence from 1960′s Ireland; religious relics, upscale vintage furnishings, black and white televisions.
Don’t worry, though: it does have Bisto, Club Orange and King Crisps as every Irish bar is legally required to do so.
And why exactly is it named after The Late Late Show?
Because of how cool, edgy and disruptive the show is!
We’re not joking.
Similar to The Late Late Show of the 1960s, which caused nationwide disruption with its forward-thinking topics which were controversial at the time, The Late Late is designed to test the boundaries of the traditional “Irish pub” model which currently exists abroad.
The Late Late Show: causing nationwide disruption since 1962.
So, does it have Late Late Show memorabilia?
Yes. There are photos of the hosts dotted around the bar. The above shot of Tubs sits on a radio, in fact.
The more you know.
And what about the Guinness?
Allow us to stop you right there. Unlike other Irish bars, The Late Late doesn’t serve pints of Guinness, because that’s positively passé.
Instead, they serve Guinness cocktails to “appeal to the young professional contemporary customer based in Manhattan”.
But what about when Irish people visit? WHAT WILL THEY DRINK?
Well, it seems that Irish people don’t really go there, so they ought to be fine.
Instead the customer base is largely made up of “contemporary American and international young professionals, many of whom work in music of fashion”.
Some people who have paid a visit?
- Arcade Fire
- Disclosure
- Jeremy Piven
- Florence + The Machine
- Fall Out Boy
Here, would you mind helping me pick up the names I dropped there?
Have any Irish celebrities visited?
(Yes, we mean Ryan Tubridy.)
(Oh, and Niall Horan has visited as well. But that’s far less exciting.)
Last question: do they screen episodes of The Late Late Show?
As delightful as that thought is, it’s sadly not the case.
Per the bar itself:
We haven’t as of yet, but watch this space!
So there you are now.
(Might we humbly suggest screening The Toy Show and playing this drinking game?)