THE LATE LATE Show isn’t really known for being ‘down with the kids’, but last night it attempted to appeal to a younger demographic with a segment about Snapchat.
“Snapchat, on the Late Late?” we hear you cry.
It’s true – former Miss Ireland and blogger Holly Carpenter was brought on to explain the app to the people of Ireland but more specifically, to ‘decode’ the way girls use it to flirt.
Tubs held blown-up Snapchat screengrabs, and Carpenter explained their true meaning to the audience. For example, this photo of a group of ‘single gals’:
…Is actually a hint that the sender is newly single.
And this seemingly innocuous picture of Carpenter with a puppy?
It’s actually not about the puppy at all!
(If your curiosity is piqued, Holly decodes more Snapchats on her blog.)
Enlightening stuff, right? Unfortunately, Late Late viewers didn’t think so.
People more au fait with Snapchat were left thinking “Yeah, duh”:
While others just couldn’t make head nor tail of it:
What we have here is a rare case of getting too ‘down with the kids’. Retreat, Late Late! Retreat!