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7 reasons why it's impossible to leave the office early

You can just never get away.

TODAY IS ‘LEAVE The Office Earlier Day’.

Never heard of it? Us neither. But, it appears that June 2 has been designated as the day to bail out of your office earlier than usual.

The ‘holiday’ was created back in 2005 by a specialist in employee productivity in the US – who said that June 2 was the perfect day to let people away early.

But, it’s not always that easy, oh no – and it’s always the same annoying reasons that keep you:

1. An email pops up at 5.15pm

it-crowd-maurice-moss-frustration-fuck-this Source: Reactiongifs

You could ignore it but that would just make you anxious. *sigh*

2. Somebody will inevitably ask you to help on something just as you’re leaving

Katie_annoyed Source: Nocookie

No sneaking out early for you.

3. Or just engage you in a relatively serious conversation on your way out

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“Can’t you see that I’m trying to slide out of here?”

4. A meeting will be conveniently scheduled for 4.45pm

matter-how-annoyed-you-remember-smile Source: Popsugar-assets

You were free all day but, right at the end is the perfect time to meet up. Thanks.

5. Somebody’s birthday cake will be wheeled out right when you get up to go

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Now it’s too obvious. Happy Birthday.

6. Technology will fail you at the worst possible moment

computer-smash-other-guys-Mark-Wahlberg-angry Source: Reactiongifs

“Great, just going to wrap things up for the day.”

*computer crashes*

7. But usually, it’s just a long, endless anecdote that goes nowhere that will keep you chained to the desk

stare-at-my-desk Source: Wordpress

It was never meant to be this way, surely? Thanks, colleague.

So, today of all days, if you’re planning on making it out of work a little early - at least you have a semi-real holiday backing you up. Good luck.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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