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How Many Points Should You Have Got In Your Leaving Cert?

You’ve always wondered if it should have been different – now you can find out.

leavingcert Source: flickr

1. Which of these best described your classroom "character"?
Gas craic

Extremely laid back
An absolute lick
2. You looked upon homework as...
A necessary evil

I didn't bother with it
A great way to continue my learning
3. Where would you most likely be sitting in class?
Hanging out down the back
Wherever is closest to the person I wanted to shift

Pretty close to the front
Anywhere with the fastest access to the door
4. How nervous did you get before your Irish oral?
Extremely nervous
I was grand
5. Somebody is leaving the exam hall about an hour early... what are you thinking?
They've either nailed it or don't give a s**t
I wouldn't know, I already left the exam hall even earlier

Oh my god, how long do we have left?
I am 100% focused on the exam to the point of stress
6. You've prepared a specific essay for your English exam - but the topic doesn't come up. Do you...
Frantically try and shoehorn it in to one of the actual topics
Come up with something new and bold on the spot
7. Did you ever sit down to revise and literally do nothing for about three hours?
Yes, that happened
8. Did you ever ask for extra paper during your exam?
Yes! I wrote approximately 4000 words per answer and I'm proud
No, never. Other people asking for extra paper made me extremely anxious
9. Were you ever legitimately friends with a teacher (and kept in touch with them after you left)?
No, certainly didn't keep in touch anyway, nice as they were
10. And finally... did you discuss answers in detail the moment you came out of the exam?
I hated people who did that
Yes, I needed to know
Answer all the questions to see your result!
You scored out of !
You should have got 390 points!
A fine effort all things considered. How did it match up to your actual score?
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You scored out of !
You should have got 440 points!
You enjoyed the relaxing side of school as much as all the other academic stuff - and you throughly deserved 440 points. What did you actually get?
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You scored out of !
You should have got 475 points!
A sterling effort. You should have been walking out those school gates with a 475 in your back pocket.
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You scored out of !
You should have got 510 points!
An excellent result. You deserved to get over the 500 point mark and you did it. Now, compare it to what you actually got, how are you looking?
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You scored out of !
You should have got 540 points!
Pushing up towards perfection, you thoroughly deserved to get 540 points in your Leaving Cert.
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You scored out of !
You should have got 580 points!
Nearly perfect. You attention to detail and motivational nature led you to nearly maximum points in this very serious quiz. We salute you.
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About the author:

David Elkin

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