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Lena Dunham shared a lovely handwritten note on the night Girls aired its last ever episode

“Give any woman 6 years to create uninterrupted and she will soar.”

LENA DUNHAM’S HBO sitcom Girls wrapped up on Sunday night in the States – but it wasn’t until last night that it made it on to Sky Atlantic over here.

Not to give anything away so soon, let’s just say it left us with Hannah at an ~interesting~ new stage of her life – after six seasons of highs and lows.

girlsfinale Source: HBO

The final episode itself has garnered some mixed reviews over the past 24 hours – with loads of fans saying that the second last episode might have been a better way to wrap it all up.

The Guardian praised it for sticking to its guns right to the very end:

Lena Dunham’s Girls leaves as it arrived: with bravery, honesty, and nudity

But The Atlantic thought the episode didn’t do Hannah’s character justice, saying:

So what made “Latching” so unsatisfactory was seeing Hannah reduced to her worst qualities, in a lazily conceived episode that seemed to exist only to echo the show’s consistent two-steps-back-one-step-forward model of maturity.

Fans of Girls were touched when Lena shared this handwritten thank you note on Instagram last night – touching on the six years of Girls and how women’s stories need to be told

It reads:

Dear Everyone
Thank you. You have made me feel whole again. Not alone. To my collaborators – you are my family.
Give any woman 6 years to create uninterrupted and she will soar. Women’s stories deserve to be told. All kinds of women. We demand opportunity.
Love Lena

And the outpouring of love in the comments showed that they really appreciated the show all these years

Goodbye Hannah, Marnie, Jessa and Shoshanna

It’s been some ride.

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About the author:

David Elkin

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